Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-15 浏览次数:2543

新闻导读News Guide

总部新闻Headquarters News

• 2017年康德集团业务拓展集中培训会顺利召开

2017 Cogdel Business Development Training successfully held

• 2017年康德集团ARD全国学术校长与外教培训圆满召开

2017 Cogdel ARD National Academic Principal and Foreign Teachers Training successfully held

中心活动 Center Activities

• 成都楷博中心2017年首次新生咨询会成功举办

Courses Orientation of Chengdu Kaibo Center 2017 successfully held

• 成都与重庆中心在2017年大学申请中取得佳绩

Chengdu and Chongqing Center both made great achievements in 2017 university applications

• 成都雅思2017年寒假移动课堂顺利收官

The 2017 Winter Mobile Classroom Program of Chengdu K&B School came to an end successfully


2017 Cogdel Business Development Training successfully held


On Mar. 28th and 29th, around 20 representatives from 4 centers attended 2017 Cogdel Business Development Training, which was successfully held on the second campus of Chengdu K&B School. On the first day, senior management delivered meaningful presentations on various topics, such as development strategy, BD directions, BD resources, and Cogdel three systems including academic system, management system, and service system. On the second day, representatives from different centers were divided into groups by area and discussed their BD plans based on what they have learned in the previous day. All members intently listened, actively engaged in discussions and heartily expressed unique and critical ideas on different BD modules.



2017 Cogdel ARD National Academic Principal and Foreign Teachers Training successfully held

3月4-5日,康德集团学术与资源部组织了集团各中心学术校长和运营校长进行了为期两天的培训。本次培训邀请到了英国Four-Dimensions培训公司高级培训师Mr. Steve Priest担任主讲嘉宾。在培训期间,各中心学术校长参加了校长会议,就新学期的学术审计、学术平台的使用和年度考评等进行了讨论。

On March 4th-5th, 2017 Cogdel ARD National Principal Training was successfully held. The meeting involved academic and operation principals from all centers. Mr.Steve Priest (Senior Trainer, Four-Dimensions) was invited to deliver the training on International School Management. Meanwhile, all academic principals attended the Principal Meeting and had discussions on several topics, such as academic audit, the usage of academic platform, annual evaluation, etc.

3月25日,康德集团学术与资源部邀请了Dr. Janice Filer就批判性思维与写作、教案编写和课堂活动的组织进行了专题培训。同时,成都校区学术校长Adam分享了康德学术平台的使用技巧,重庆校区学术校长Chris就如何根据教学内容设计测验和考试分享了他的经验。

On March 25th, 2017 ARD Foreign Teachers Training was successfully held. ARD invited  Dr. Janice Filer Thompson (General Consultant, Cogdel Group) to give training on critical thinking&writing, teaching plan writing, and class activities. Mr. Adam McRoy (Academic Principal, Chengdu Kaibo School) introduced the usage of Cogdel Academic Platform. Mr. Christopher B. Manansala (Academic Principal, Chongqing Kaibo School) shared his experience on how to design quizzes and exams based on teaching content.

Dr.Janice File进行专题培训



Courses Orientation of Chengdu Kaibo Center 2017 successfully held


Courses Orientation of Chengdu Kaibo Center 2017, which attracted around one thousand  prospective families, was successfully held on Feb. 26th. It included various speeches and campus tour which significantly helped parents and students to learn more about International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School (Chengdu Kaibo Center), such as school’s mission, courses, college application, etc.


Chengdu and Chongqing Center both made great achievements in 2017 university applications


Chengdu K&B School has made great achievements in 2017 American&Canadian university applications. Many students have been admitted to world-famous universities like Emory University, University of Virginia, NYU, McGill University, UCL, etc. In addition, several students have been admitted to summer school of top universities like Harvard, Stanford, Brown, and UCLA.


By far, Chongqing Center have received more than 150 offers and 2.4 million RMB of scholarships from world-famous universities, among which many AP students have been admitted to top universities in the U.S, such as Colorado College, Rhode Island School of Design, University of Rochester, etc. A-Level students also got conditional offers of top 10 British universities and top 3 Canadian universities.


The 2017 Winter Mobile Classroom Program of Chengdu K&B School came to an end successfully


The 2017 Winter Mobile Classroom Program of Chengdu K&B School came to an end successfully. More than 40 students participated in high-end programs including Business Elite Program, Innovation and Business Program, High School Exchanging Program, and Mini MBA Program in the US, UK, and Hong Kong. Many students found these programs very helpful in broadening their horizons and improving their comprehensive and academic abilities.

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