Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2257

新闻导读News Guide

中心活动 Center Activities

• 楷博各中心英语教师开展TESOL培训

TESOL training successfully held

• 楷博成都和武汉中心英语教师开展教学交流和研讨会

English teachers’ seminar successfully held between Chengdu and Wuhan

• 楷博各中心学术校长年度会议圆满召开

Center Academic Principal Meeting successfully held

• 成都K&B School学生活动中心暑期项目精彩呈现

Chengdu K&B School summer programs

• 成都K&B School学术中心暑期语言课程圆满结束

Chengdu K&B School summer language courses

• 2016-2017苏州外教课堂项目入职培训完美收官

2016-2017 Suzhou Foreign Teachers’ Orientation successfully held

• 苏州市外教课堂项目组受邀参加新教师入职宣誓仪式

Suzhou Foreign Teacher’s Class Project Team invited to take an oath of office


TESOL training successfully held

暑期,楷博成都、武汉、重庆和苏州共50余名中方英语教师先后参加了由集团学术与资源部和美国TESOL四川管理中心组织的TESOL培训。每轮培训时长为一周,由ARD总监、TESOL高级培训师Shanna Mack主讲。在培训中,通过课堂、课后作业、论文、自主设计和模拟课堂等形式,帮助老师们了解和学习先进的英语教学理念和教学方法。

In summer holiday, over 50 English teachers from four Kaibo centers of Cogdel attended TESOL training, which was organized by ARD and Sichuan Management Center of American TESOL Institute-China. The one-week training was given by Shanna Mack (Director of ARD and senior TESOL lecturer) and involved different activities which helped all teachers have a better understanding of advanced teaching theories and methods.


English teachers’ seminar successfully held between Chengdu and Wuhan


On August 12th, English teachers from Chengdu and Wuhan attended a seminar organized by ARD. During the seminar, the group leader of Comprehensive English, TOEFL, and IELTS from each center discussed difficulties they faced at work. All teachers said that it was necessary to enhance the communication and share resources to improve the teaching standard of each other.


Center Academic Principal Meeting successfully held


On August 19th, Center Academic Principal Meeting organized by ARD was successfully held in Chengdu. During the meeting, ARD introduced several parts, including the annual objectives of 2016-2017, the support and interactions between ARD and centers, methods of evaluation, program manuals and academic management handbooks.

成都K&B School学生活动中心暑期项目精彩呈现

Chengdu K&B School summer programs

2016成都K&B School第二校区“7+1”暑期项目圆满落幕。从国内到国外,从学术课程到职业体验,多元、个性化的实践项目吸引了78位同学参与,他们在活动中收获属于自己的成长和蜕变。“7+1”项目包含英国Mini MBA商业精英项目、美国耶鲁学术课程、英国牛津学术课程、美国检察长助理实习、美国斯坦福国际精英大学先修项目、纽约电影学院电影创作营、香港金融轻实习以及成都七中国际部美式特训营。

The Student Activity Center of Chengdu K&B School has organized various domestic and overseas summer programs 7+1, which involved 78 students. 7+1 included academic courses and career exploration such as UK Mini MBA Business Elite Program, Yale Academic Curriculum, Oxford Academic Curriculum, US Procurator’s Assistant Internship, Stanford International Elite AP Program, NYFA Film-making Camp, HK Financial Internship and No.7 High School American Camp.

成都K&B School学术中心暑期语言课程圆满结束

Chengdu K&B School summer language courses

今年暑期,成都K&B School教学部专门开设了一系列语言培训课程,帮助学生们提升英语能力,助力留学申请。截止到8月底,共招生55人。课程分为三大类:托福基础班、托福强化班、雅思基础班。经过一段时间的培训后,进步最大的学生托福成绩跨度提升24分之高!新学期,学术中心将继续开设秋季各阶段语言课程,帮助更多同学在成绩上取得实质性的突破。

The Teaching Department of Chengdu K&B School has specially opened a series of training courses to help students improve their language abilities. The courses consisted of TOEFL Foundation Class, TOEFL Intensive Class, and IELTS Foundation Class and involved 55 students. Notably, after a period of training, one student’s TOEFL score has lifted by 24. In new semester, various language courses will be continuously offered to more students.


2016-2017 Suzhou Foreign Teachers’ Orientation successfully held


The project of Foreign Teachers’ Classes has been through ten years in Suzhou, which serves to improve the international level of English teaching for local secondary schools. From August 31st to September 2nd, 20 foreign teachers from UK and Canada received a three-day training organized by Suzhou Municipal Education Bureau and Suzhou International Foundation School. The teachers have learned English teaching methods, cultural differences between China and the West, laws and regulations, getting prepared for becoming excellent teachers.


Suzhou Foreign Teacher’s Class Project Team invited to take an oath of office


To celebrate the 32nd Teachers’ Day, the New Teachers’ Oath-taking Ceremony was successfully held in Suzhou Teachers’ Development Center. Local government leaders along with all new foreign teachers attended the ceremony.

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