“未来国际化财经人才培养暨青少年财经素养教育平台共建” 合作签约仪式隆重举行

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2645

On Jan. 12th, the signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation on Cultivation of Future International Financial Talents and Establishment of Youth Financial Literacy Education Platform, jointly organized by Chongqing Open Class Magazines Co., LTD, ACCA and Cogdel Group, was successfully held in Chengdu. Leaders from schools, government and business partners attended the ceremony and delivered important speeches. It’s firmly believed that the strategic cooperation would provide a new target for the development of youth financial literacy education platform based on their respective advantages and all-round cooperation.


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Mr. Liu Xinzhong (President, Open Class Magazines) expressed hope that the three parties could be the promoter and reformer for the development of national youth financial literacy education.


Mr. He Sikai (Executive Director, ACCA) said that the cooperation would help to achieve the common goal of education.


Mr. Wang Shu (President, Cogdel Group) hoped that the cooperation could cultivate eligible financial talents for China based on our understanding of current global economic and political situations.


Ms. Zhao Ling (Director, Regional Affairs Office in Sichuan, British Consulate General in Chongqing) announced that the cooperation would significantly push forward the development of innovation in education and finance in China.


Cooperation Agreement was successfully signed between Open Class Magazines, ACCA and Cogdel Group.


Ms. Lan Dan (Executive Principal, YouthMBA, Open Class Magazines) introduced the information of youth financial literacy education platform and shared the cooperation contents of three parties.

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