Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2735

新闻导读News Guide

总部新闻Headquarters News

• 康德集团与美国国际教育委员会签订合作协议

Cooperation agreement signed between Cogdel and American Councils

中心活动 Center Activities

• 成都K&B School第二校区建成并使用

The second campus of Chengdu K&B School opened and put into use

• 苏州国际预科学校外教课堂项目组样板公开课举行

Foreign teachers’ demo classes arranged by Suzhou International Foundation School

• 重庆第一双语学校学生代表队ASDAN商业模拟联赛获佳绩

Brilliant success achieved by Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School students in ASDAN Business Simulation



Cogdel Group has successfully signed cooperation agreement with American Councils in terms of international education exchanges. The major cooperation contents include:


American Councils designates Cogdel as a strategic partner in China.

2. 由康德集团协助美国国际教育委员会与中国教育国际交流协会建立战略合作伙伴关系;

Cogdel will assist American Councils to establish strategic partnership with China Education Association for International Exchange.

3. 由康德集团协助美国国际教育委员会拓展其在中国的国际教育项目合作,提升其在中国的影响力;

Cogdel will assist American Councils in expanding its cooperative projects with respect to Chinese international education and to elevate its influence in China.

4. 康德集团为美国国际教育委员会在中国的业务发展提供咨询和支持;

Cogdel will assist American Councils in providing consulting and support for the development of American Councils’ business in China.

5. 美国国际教育委员会协助康德集团在美国开展国际教育领域的合作;

American Councils will assist Cogdel in launching its cooperative projects in America, with respect to the domain of international education.

6. 双方共同探索在就帮助中国学生申请美国大学所需相关申请材料的真实性认证方面开展合作;

Cogdel and American Councils will seek opportunities to collaborate in the area of providing authenticity accreditation to the relevant application documents for Chinese students while applying for American universities and colleges.

集团领导与美国教育委员会副会长Michael Curtis合影留念

成都K&B School第二校区建成并投入使用

历时近半年的选址及装修,成都K&B School第二校区近800㎡ 办公场地于近日圆满建成并投入使用。据悉,场地内囊括了阶梯教室、语音教室、会议室、15人教室、五人教室、VIP教室等众多功能区,同时配有茶水间、吧台、洽谈室等。整个装修采用了美式校园的风格,充分体现了K&B School国际化的学习氛围。据悉12月16日K&B School将举行盛大的开业典礼。届时成都K&B School第二校区也将正式在行业内亮相。

Recently, the second campus of K&B School has been successfully completed and put into use. Moreover, a grand opening ceremony will be held on Dec. 16th and the second campus will make its first public appearance in the same profession.




Recently, a demo class by Sally (Academic Principal, Suzhou International Foundation School) has ended in a success in Suzhou No.1 High School. Such demo classes will be gradually arranged in other schools by foreign teachers of Suzhou International Foundation School. For better teaching quality, monthly academic meetings will be held to collectively solve teaching problems and design teaching schedules.


2015年11月7日、8日,2015 ASDAN商业模拟竞赛在绵阳东辰国际学校举行,本次比赛有来自重庆第一双语学校、成都树德中学国际部、绵阳外国语中学、绵阳东辰国际学校、成都三原外国语中学、成都西雅美途联合外语学校组成的17支代表队参加。重庆第一双语学校高一年级4支队伍参赛,最终囊括大赛的前四名,其中两队同学都获得了最佳英语演讲奖!

On Nov. 7th and 8th, a total of seventeen teams from six high schools participated in 2015 ASDAN Business Simulation which was held in Mianyang Dongchen International School. Four teams from Chongqing N0.1 Bilingual Middle School achieved first four prizes and two of them got Best English Speech Award because of outstanding performance in the final.

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