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中心活动 Center Activities
• 康德集团成都校区成功举办津巴布韦1250爱心午餐义卖
Cogdel 20th Anniversary and Zimbabwe 1250 Free Lunch for Children Charity Bazaar successfully held
• 康德集团重庆校区2017暑假香港金融实习圆满结束
2017 Hong Kong Financial Internship of Chongqing No.1 Bilingual School (Chongqing Kaibo Center) achieved success
Cogdel 20th Anniversary and Zimbabwe 1250 Free Lunch for Children Charity Bazaar successfully held
On July 9th, Cogdel 20th Anniversary and Zimbabwe 1250 Free Lunch for Children Charity Bazaar was successfully organized by students and teachers of International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School. The event was hosted by Cogdel Group and CAC (Cogdel Academy Club) and supported by students from other schools in Chengdu, such as Shude High School and Zongbei High School. Students brought books, toys, and DIY crafts from home to sell at the bazaar. Eventually, a total donation of 8,600 yuan was raised by students and the money will be put in use for providing one-year lunch for a class of Musarara Primary School in Zimbabwe. The charity bazaar was highly praised by Chengdu media and received a letter of thanks from Principal of Musarara Primary School.
2017 Hong Kong Financial Internship of Chongqing No.1 Bilingual School (Chongqing Kaibo Center) achieved success
From July 9th to 15th, students of Chongqing No.1 Bilingual School have taken one-week financial internship in Hong Kong. The internship was aimed at cultivating international financial management talents and helping students expand top financial networks, learn essential financial instruments and investment methods, and experience the real work life of finance people. All the students have benefited a lot by approaching Hong Kong top 500 financial enterprises.
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