
发布时间:2017-12-14 浏览次数:2948

12月9日下午,康德教育集团20周年答谢会暨校友会启动仪式在成都希尔顿酒店圆满举行。会议邀请了成都市社会科学界联合会主席杨继瑞教授、原成都七中校长王志坚先生、西南英商会总监Matt Ryan先生出席。同时,出席本次活动的还包括:康德教育集团管理层、康德教育集团成都校区校领导、众多海内外教育专家与教育工作者、康德教育集团成都校区(成都七中国际部)近60位杰出校友以及成都新闻媒体等。

On Dec. 9th, Cogdel 20 Years Anniversary and Cogdel Alumni Elite Association Launching Ceremony was successfully held at Hilton Hotels&Resorts, Chengdu. The Meeting involved Prof. Yang Jirui (President, Chengdu Federation of Social Sciences), Mr. Wang Zhijian (Former Principal of Chengdu No.7 High School), Mr. Matt Ryan (Director, British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China), Cogdel Management, leaders of International Dept., Chengdu No.7 High School, famous educators at home and abroad, 60 outstanding alumni of International Dept., Chengdu No.7 High School and Chengdu news media, etc.


The Meeting consisted of five parts. Numerous guests and alumni gathered together to recall Cogdel’s 20 years of development process and witness the official establishment of Cogdel Alumni Elite Association.


The Meeting was hosted by two outstanding alumni, i.e. Mr. Liu Yajie (Private Equity VP, China International Fund Management Co., Ltd.) and Ms. Shen Fangfang (GM, Missaesthetics International Etiquette&Modern Manners Academy). At the beginning, two special videos were played to showcase the memorable years and the current strength of International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School. Three current students also performed a beautiful Chinese traditional dance for the audience.

康德教育集团创始人及总裁王舒先生在大会上发表致辞,王总对莅临现场的嘉宾和校友表示热烈的欢迎,他回顾了康德教育二十年以来的成长历程,并对一直关心、帮助康德教育发展的教育前辈王志坚校长、杨继瑞教授等表达了真挚的感谢。西南英商会总监Matt Ryan先生也带来了他的问候,他代表西南英商会对康德教育二十年在国际教育领域取得的瞩目成绩表示祝贺,并表达了今后与康德教育合作的强烈信心。随后,伴随着热烈的掌声,成都七中老校长王志坚先生上台致辞,他慷慨地与在座分享了成都七中与康德教育合作国际部的故事,回首当时的决定,王志坚先生表示十分欣慰。随后,成都七中国际部学术校长Adam McRoy先生上台发言,作为一名在国际部工作了10余年的老师,他分享了在学校的点点滴滴,表达了对毕业生的祝福,并对未来学校的发展充满了信心。

Mr. Wang Shu( President, Cogdel Education Group) delivered an inspiring speech. He extended a warm welcome to all the guests and alumni and recalled the development process of Cogdel Education Group. He also expressed sincere gratitude to people who have helped Cogdel over the past years, such as Mr. Wang Zhijian, Prof. Yang Jirui, etc. Mr. Matt Ryan (Director, British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China) also addressed at the Meeting. He congratulated Cogdel’s achievements made in the International Education Industry and expressed confidence in the prospect for future cooperation with Cogdel. Later, Mr. Wang Zhijian (Former Principal of Chengdu No.7 High School) shared with us the stories between Chengdu No.7 High School and Cogdel Education Group in jointly establishing International Department and he was very pleased to see the achievements made over the past 18 years. Mr. Adam McRoy (Academic Principal, International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School) shared with us his 10-year experience in teaching and expressed best wishes for all the alumni and his confidence in the prospect of International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School.


After the speeches, Mr. Shen Jian (Secretary General, Cogdel Alumni Elite Association) introduced the purpose and significance in establishing Cogdel Alumni Elite Association. CAEA is aimed at providing a platform for Cogdel alumni to build connections, exchange ideas, and share information. After the introduction, the Cogdel Alumni Elite Association Launching Ceremony was held and Mr. Shen Jian also announced the newly-appointed positions of CAEA.


Prof. Yang Jirui (President, Chengdu Federation of Social Sciences) was also invited to give a speech on the 2018 economic situation and investment. Prof. Yang generously shared with us his interpretation of China’s new economy and analysis of investment and business. His speech was highly praised by all Cogdel alumni.


Prof. Yang also spoke highly of the event. “Cogdel Education Group is an excellent group with cohesion and execution. The event was elaborately organized and I enjoy it very much!”Prof. Yang said.


Finally, let’s wish Cogdel Happy 20th Anniversary and greater prosperity for both Cogdel and our alumni!

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