Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2018-01-12 浏览次数:3909

新闻导读News Guide

学术新闻 Academic News

• 康德成都和苏州校区荣获2017年度NCUK学生经验奖

Chengdu and Suzhou Kaibo centres have jointly won the NCUK Student Experience Award

中心活动Center Activities

• 康德成都校区第二届“遇见未来的你”TED讲座圆满举行

The second Future Wise TED Talk of Chengdu Kaibo centre successfully held

• 康德成都校区在2018年ED/EA录取中取得佳绩

Chengdu Kaibo centre made great achievements in 2018 ED/EA college admissions

• 康德重庆校区融合式课堂取得突破发展

The Integrated International Curriculum of Chongqing Kaibo centre has made breakthroughs

• 康德重庆校区2017-2018校季活动——国际高中融合式课堂圆满结束

Demo Class on Integrated International Curriculum of Chongqing Kaibo centre successfully held

• 康德武汉校区2018年首次招生说明会顺利召开

The first Course Orientation of Wuhan Kaibo centre 2018 successfully held

• 康德武汉校区参加武汉六中第四届校园文化艺术节

Wuhan Kaibo centre participated in the 4th Art Festival of Wuhan No.6 High School

• 康德苏州校区校园开放日圆满举行

The School Open Day of Suzhou Kaibo centre successfully held

• 康德苏州校区外教课堂2017圣诞派对圆满结束

Christmas Party of Suzhou Foreign Teacher Class Program 2017 successfully held


Chengdu and Suzhou Kaibo centres have jointly won the NCUK Student Experience Award


Congratulations to Suzhou and Chengdu centres who jointly won the NCUK annual award for student experience and Chengdu for also receiving a highly commended for academic administration. Congratulations to both centres for these awards that are recognition of their hard work and dedication.


The second Future Wise TED Talk of Chengdu Kaibo centre successfully held


On Dec.24th, the second Future Wise TED Talk was successfully held at International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School. Four outstanding alumni have been invited to return to school and gave speeches. They have shared their stories and encouraged students to plan ahead for their future life.


Chengdu Kaibo centre made great achievements in 2018 ED/EA college admissions


So far, students of Chengdu Kaibo centre have received nearly 30 offers with scholarships of 4,750,000RMB from elite American universities including Rice University, Rhode Island School of Design, Tufts University, Colby College, University of Rochester, etc. In terms of quantity and quality of offers received, International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School has surpassed any other schools in Southwest China.


The Integrated International Curriculum of Chongqing Kaibo centre has made breakthroughs


In 2017, International Department of Chongqing No.1 Bilingual School has made several breakthroughs in exploring the best curriculum for students. In addition to the integrated curriculum of Economics and Coffee Making, in December, two teachers have made efforts in integrating Computer Science and Chemistry.


Demo Class on Integrated International Curriculum of Chongqing Kaibo centre successfully held


On Dec. 23rd, Demo Class on Integrated International Curriculum was successfully held at International Department of Chongqing No.1 Bilingual School. More than 100 parents and students have been actively engaged in the event.


The first Course Orientation of Wuhan Kaibo centre 2018 successfully held


On Dec. 17th, the first Course Orientation of Wuhan Kaibo centre 2018 was successfully held. The Meeting involved at least 200 parents and students. Ms.Ge Ying (Operation Principal) and Ms. Yang Yi (Admission Director) have delivered detailed presentations on the introduction and 2018 admission policies of International Department of Wuhan No.6 High School.


Wuhan Kaibo centre participated in the 4th Art Festival of Wuhan No.6 High School


On Dec 28th, the 4th Art Festival of Wuhan No.6 High School was successfully held. Students of International Department have delivered fascinating performances which were highly praised by all parents.


The School Open Day of Suzhou Kaibo centre successfully held


On Dec.17th, the School Open Day of Suzhou Kaibo centre was successfully held. The event included lectures, orientations, and campus tour which significantly helped parents and students to learn more about the school in terms of school’s principles, curriculum, college enrollment, campus life, etc.


Christmas Party of Suzhou Foreign Teacher Class Program 2017 successfully held


To celebrate Christmas, a Christmas Party was specially organized at Suzhou International Foundation School. Filled with holiday atmosphere and wonderful performances, the party was welcomed and enjoyed by all expatriate teachers.

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