
发布时间:2018-04-23 浏览次数:3795

4月18日,康德教育与美国格兰纳达山特许高中 (Granada Hills Charter High School,以下简称GHC) 正式签订中美合作伙伴关系协议,GHC校长Brian Bauer先生和康德教育集团总裁王舒先生分别代表双方签订了合作协议。

Cogdel president, Mr. Shu Wang, signed an agreement with Granada Hills Charter High School (GHC), on April 18, 2018, at the school’s conference room. The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Brian Bauer, executive director of the school, and Dr. Jason Li, International Education Advisor.


The partnership agreement allows Cogdel to start, operate, and manage international K-12 schools in China, modelled after Granada Hills Charter High School’s successful story. Granada Hills Charter High School will provide the full-scale consulting service to Cogdel on the new school establishment, curriculum development and design, management and operation, and evaluations. Granada Hills Charter High School also authorizes Cogdel to act on its behalf to discuss with government, educational agencies and other related organizations on the establishment of new international schools in China.

王总表示,很荣幸能够与GHC合作将中国的国际教育推向新的高度,Brian Bauer校长高度赞赏了康德教育在国际教育领域的专业度,双方对本次合作充满了信心。

Mr. Wang indicated that Cogdel is honored to have this opportunity to work with GHC to bring the international education in China to the next level. Mr. Bauer praised that Cogdel is a truly professional education group and GHC is excited to partner with Cogdel to build many high quality international schools in China.

美国格兰纳达山特许高中 (Granada Hills Charter High School),位于美国加州洛杉矶市,是全美最大的综合性特许高中,在美国 NICHE 的 2015 年公立高中排名中,名列加州冠军,全美排名第六。GHC以其杰出的学术成就和办学水平获得“金带学校”殊荣,并连续六年获得全美学术十项全能冠军。在课程方面,GHC开设IB、AP、荣誉课程和美国高中课程,满足学生多元化的需求。

GHC is ranked by Nitch as the best and largest charter school in California, and the 6th best charter school in the USA. It is located in Los Angeles, California. It is a California Gold Ribbon school and has won the national Academic Decathlon Championship the sixth time in the last seven years. GHC students have the most comprehensive AP courses selection, students can choose from 29 AP courses. In addition, it is also one of the few schools which offers International Baccalaureate courses.


GHC students are talented and engaged in a variety of activities and sports. There are  more than 50 clubs and associations in the campus, ranging from culture, arts, health, business, science, community services, and religions. The school has 14 sport teams, football, baseball, basket balls, volley balls swim, water polo, etc.

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