康德学术月 Cogdel Operations Academic (OPSA) Month

发布时间:2018-07-3 浏览次数:2985

学术校长研讨会 Academic Principal Retreat


      OPSA held its first annual Academic Principal Retreat in Cogdel Head Office Chengdu, which featured two days of workshops and discussions. Day one focused on ‘reimagining the role of Principal’, this focused on research on the role of principals in a school, change management, time management and leadership verses management of Schools. The day included presentations, activities and discussions with Principals considering how to manage change in their centres. Day two focused on the processes and procedures required to consider School Improvement Planning.


AP Meeting CD Head Office


Evening Social Event

学术审计 Academic Audits


      During May the operations team carried out audits of Chengdu, Chongqing, Suzhou and Wuhan centres. All aspects of centre procedures where reviewed and meetings held with centre management. During the visit OPSA carried out extensive lesson observations to check the teaching quality in the centres and discussed training needs of teachers with the principal. The audits were a great success and operations would like to commend the hard work of the operation and academic principals in all centres.


Teacher Observation CQ


Wuhan Management Team

武汉培训 Wuhan Training


      During May OPSA offered training across centres with Wuhan taking up the offer for 21st Century and examination training. The training was attended by all local and expatriate staff in the centre.


21st Century Education


      The training looked at students and the way they study and learn in the 21st Century. OPSA introduced the concept of 21st Century learning and education and examined a number of strategies that teachers can take away and use in their classrooms. The training was very hands on and used technology to model how teachers should use it.


21st Century Training Wuhan


21st Century Education


Examination Training


      In preparations for the examination training OPSA worked closely with the Academic Principal to adapt the examinations handbook to meet the needs of the centre. The training was hands on and took the form of mock examinations with teachers playing the role of students. Some teachers where given cheating requirements to see if the invigilators could catch them (which they did!). Following the training the examination procedure was used in the mid-term examinations to great success with very professional invigilation and monitoring taking place.


Examinations Handbook


Wuhan Examination Training Event

ESL研讨会(成都)ESL Workshop Chengdu

      由康德集团运营部(学术)与康德研究院举办的ESL研讨会在成都七中圆满落幕。鉴于康德研究院计划于2018-2019学年在所有康德校区采用新版ESL教学大纲,本次研讨会旨在展示ESL课程编写者的成果及进展 ,听取各校区意见及建议,明确新版ESL课程完善方向,以确保新学年顺利执行。


      During May Cogdel Operations and Cogdel Academy held a joint ESL workshop in No7 School Chengdu. In the new academic year Cogdel Academy will roll out its new ESL curriculum to all centres. The purpose of the ESL workshop was to look at the work of the curriculum writers and to see if the curriculum could be delivered in all centres or if it needed some further development. The curriculum writers gave excellent presentations on the work they had done so far and this was followed by centre workshops and feedback presentations. Following the workshop, the curriculum writers will finalize the curriculum so it can be used in all centres from the next academic year.

      The workshop was attended by experts from all centres and we were especially delighted to welcome Beijing Number 35 school ESL experts to participate in a Cogdel event for the first time.


ESL Workshop Team


Curriculum writers Presentation ESL


Beijing No35 & Chengdu Centre ESL Discussion

未来规划 OPSA Future Developments


      As part of the development of Academic Operations across the centres OPSA is working with Head Office and the Centres to formulate a systematic academic framework. This is a work in progress and will be rolled out and tested over the coming academic year. The hope is to make the academic operations more professional and based on standards of excellence used in both the UK and USA.

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