
发布时间:2018-10-8 浏览次数:3942


With the support of Cogdel, Wuhan Jiang'an District Government Delegation recently paid a two-day visit to the Chinese Society of Education (hereinafter referred to as “CSE”) , the National Center for Educational Development Research (hereinafter referred to as “NCEDR”) and Beijing No. 35 high School and had meetings with them to seek the guidance and exchange ideas and experiences.



Mr. Yang Yinfu (Secretary of CSE) extended a warm welcome to Wuhan delegation. CSE is the earliest and largest national academic education institution and directly under the Ministry of Education (China). Mr. Yang Yinfu introduced the functions of CSE and had an in-depth exchange with the delegates. After his introduction, Mr. Jiang Zhigeng (Vice Head of Jiang'an District Government) hoped that CSE could regularly provide guidances to improve the elementary education of Jiang'an District.



The delegation visited NCEDR. Mr. Chen Ziji (Director of NCEDR) introduced the NCEDR is a national research and advice institution engaged in China education development and reform, providing decision-making consulting and policy advice to national education authorities. Meanwhile, Mr. Wang Ming (Deputy Director of NCEDR) mentioned that the center is aimed at helping the local government to formulate education policies, promoting education reform experiment and helping improve education qualities of local schools and conducting international education cooperation.


Mr. Jiang Zhigeng (Vice Head of Jiang'an District Government) introduced the general information and elementary education advantage of Jiang'an. He said the International Department of Wuhan No. 6 High School is a successful case of education internationalization in Jiang'an District. After that, Mr. Zhang Nianqiang (Director of Education Bureau of Jiang'an District) gave a detailed introduction of Jiang'an education and Wuhan No.6 High school. Mr. Ma Deju (Former Principal of Wuhan No.6 High School) and Mr. Wang Shu (President of Cogdel) also gave a series of talks in the meeting.



The last stop of Wuhan delegation tour was Beijing No. 35 High School. Mr. Zhu Jianmin (Principal of No.35) and Ms. Wang Hongjun (Vice Principal of No.35) warmly welcomed them, and introduced the school and their rich experiences in international education. Mr. Jiang Zhigeng (Vice Head of Jiang'an District Government) also invited Mr. Zhu Jianmin and Ms. Wang Hongjun to Wuhan.


These visits and meetings achieved a great success and the delegates reached an agreement with institutions above on how to guide, support and promote the Wuhan Jiang'an education. Cogdel will closely work with them and facilitate the implementation of the agreement as soon as possible.

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