
发布时间:2018-11-22 浏览次数:3210




康德教育助力此次竞赛旨在基础科学杰出人才培养。康德从20多年的国际教育经验中总结出:中国学生在数学和科学等科目上具备极大竞争优势。集团旗下的康德研究院独立研发了国际通用课程体系(Cogdel International General Curriculum, CIG),包括数学、物理等在内的7个课题组,将7个学科的中方学业水平考试的内容和要求与美国对应学科AP考试和SAT II考试的内容及要求进行了整合,形成了一整套既能对接中方学业水平考试同时又能对接AP考试的教学大纲和教材。目前,康德国际通用课程体系双语版(中英文)的教学大纲和教材已在成都七中国际部、武汉六中国际部、苏州国际预科学校、重庆双语学校使用。



1. 康德教育捐赠成都七中教育发展基金会80万人民币



2. 中国数学奥林匹克

中国数学奥林匹克 (简称CMO) 起源于全国中学生数学冬令营。1985年,由北京大学、南开大学、复旦大学和中国科技大学四所大学提议,中国数学会决定,自1986年起每年举行。CMO每年吸引来自各省、自治区、直辖市全国高中数学联赛的优胜者,以及香港、澳门、俄罗斯、新加坡等代表队参加,目前成为中国中学生最高级别、最具规模、最有影响的数学竞赛。

On 13th November, the 34th National High School Mathematics Winter Camp kicked off in Chengdu No.7 High School Linyin Campus. Cogdel Education Group sponsored the winter camp and it was an honor to be here to witness the opening ceremony.

At 9 a.m., the opening ceremony started with China National Anthem, and following with Chengdu No.7 High School Headmaster Yi Guodong’s welcome speech. In the speech, he expressed the sincere thanks for Cogdel Education Group’s support in this winter camp. After the welcome speech, the Deputy Director of Chengdu Municipal People’s Congress Ms. Yang Xie, the Deputy Director of Sichuan Education Department Mr. Cui Changhong and the Deputy Director of Chinese Mathematical Society-Mathematical Olympic Committee Mr. Yang Xinmin all had the speeches to welcome 388 participants from 32 cities.

In the end of the opening ceremony, the representatives from Chengdu No.7 High School expressed their welcome by talent show. After the talent show, all the participants took the group photo in order to memorize this important moment.

The reason why Cogdel Education Group sponsored this winter camp was to cultivate talents in Basic Science. With more than 20 years of experience in international education, Cogdel realized that Chinese students have strong ability in Mathematics and Science. Cogdel Academy developed Cogdel International General Curriculum (CIG) which included 7 majors, such as Mathematics and Physics. Cogdel combined Chinese Huikao with AP and SAT II, and then conducted CIG which could be recognized by education authorities at home and aboard. CIG was applied in Chengdu No.7 High School, Wuhan No.6 High School, Suzhou International Foundation School and Chongqing No.1 International Studies School.

In addition, Cogdel encouraged students to participate in international Mathematics Competitions, such as Waterloo Mathematics Competition and American Mathematics Competition. In daily teaching, Cogdel organized guidance courses for the participants which helped the participants to reach better results. Students who got the excellent results from these competitions also helped them to work better in their future universities applications.

Further Reading

Cogdel Education Group has cooperated with Chengdu No.7 High School to establish the International Department for 20 years. Chengdu No.7 High School International Department committed to the mission of “Localized International Education and Internationalized Local Education”, and to develop the courses which could meet students' desire for international education. Moreover, Cogdel sponsored and organized the research and development team of “International Understanding Course”in Chengdu No.7 High School.

On September 7 2018, Cogdel donated 800,000 Yuan for Chengdu No.7 High School Education Development Foundation. Cogdel promised to cooperate with Chengdu No.7 High School to push forward the development of Education Development Foundation. 2018 Chinese Mathematical Olympiad was the first project sponsored by Chengdu No.7 Education Development Foundation.

Chinese Mathematical Olympiad (CMO) founded in 1986, and CMO attracted the talents in mathematics from most of the cities in China, as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Russia. Now, it is the biggest and the most important mathematics competition in China.

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