
发布时间:2018-11-22 浏览次数:3186


















On November 16th and 17th, Cogdel Education Group organized 2018 National Marketing and Admission Training, the colleagues from marketing and admission departments in Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Suzhou and Beijing Kaibo Center all participated in the training.

Mass Data Opens the New Chapter

In the beginning of the training, the colleagues from marketing department in Cogdel Education Group presented the analysis of the trend in International Education as well as Cogdel online admission management system training.

Experts Training in Theoretical and Practical Marketing Knowledge

For the training, Cogdel Education Group invited two experienced experts Mr. Song Mingxuan and Mr. Gary Tang in sales and marketing to give the colleagues deeply insights in the strategies of sales, the skills in customer communication and the team building.

Two Workshops to Solve the Problems in General and in Individual

In the daily operation, all the centers may meet some similar problems. However, due to the markets differences, the problems may have different focuses. Therefore, in the general workshop, colleagues were divided into groups to discuss“how to make the currents students be the schools' mouthpieces?" In the individual workshop, four centers gave the current dilemmas in the operation which expected the colleagues could help them to figure out the solutions.

All the colleagues were active involved in the discussion, and also based on their experience to provide a lot of valuable suggestions.

Highlights Sharing by Centers

Different centers have different highlights in branding, marketing, channels, admission, publicity and etc. In the training, all the centers shared their experience unconditionally, which inspired all the centers to draw on the strong points of other centers to make up for their own weak points.

Debate in Topic of“Recruitment Channel Expansion vs. Recruitment Channel Maintenance”

Building channel is one of the most important parts in marketing and admission. In the daily operation, channel expansion and channel maintenance are always the difficulties in building channel. Therefore, there was a debate regarding channel which provided to all the colleagues in order to refresh their knowledge in building channel. Undoubtedly, the colleagues performed excellent in the debate, Fiona and Nancy were awarded“The Prize of Best Debaters.”

All the participants gave the high praise for the organization and the content of this training. They all gained much knowledge in marketing, admission and the International Education markets in different cities. The participants made use of this opportunity to know each other better which helped them to cooperate closely in the future.

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