叙友谊,谋发展 ——康德校友会答谢宴暨成都七中国际部二十周年晚宴圆满举行

发布时间:2018-12-11 浏览次数:3373





作为本次活动的组织者,校友会会长卢嘉熹女士与校友会秘书长沈健先生为大家介绍了校友理事会成员。感谢他们的辛勤付出,为我们呈现了此次别致而温馨的聚会。之后,卢佳熹女士介绍了校友会命名为Platform 1的寓意——希望校友会成为校友们开始梦想旅程的起点,同时也是一个交流与资源共享的平台。在此基础上,卢嘉熹女士提出了校友会在学生服务上两个“A”的理念——Academic与Adaptability。同时,为大家展示了目前校友会正在着力举行的“健谈者”主题演讲活动与正在积极推动的管理培训生计划,并向大家解读了王舒先生的K100理念——为校友们提供终身学习的服务与平台。相信在未来,校友会将为在读学生和已毕业的校友们提供更丰富多样的活动与支持。



On December 8th, Cogdel Education Group and Chengdu No.7 High School International Department had celebrated 20 years anniversary in La Cadiere. The participants included: Cogdel Education Group Management, leaders of International Dept., of Chengdu No.7 High School, outstanding alumni, teachers and parents from Chengdu No.7 High School International Department.

At the cocktail party, President and CEO of Cogdel Education Group Mr. Wang Shu and Vice President of Cogdel Education Group Ms. Yang Yue shared their experience in the past 20 years development with Chengdu No.7 High School.

Mr. Wang Shu recounted his experience when he started the business. He shared that it was very important to work together with alumni in order to reach the same goals. Moreover, he also recognized that giving is more important than receiving. In the past 20 years, there were more than 3000 alumni successfully graduated from Chengdu International Department and more than 20,000 alumni from Cogdel Education Group. All of these people made up a more powerful worldwide Cogdel network.

Ms. Yang Yue shared that, as a school, it was not only important to focus on the students' development, but also important to be the bridge between students and parents. Therefore, Cogdel Education Group also built up students Service which helped overseas students to keep close touch with their parents as well as supported students in case they had any difficulties.

As the organizer of the event, Ms. Lu Jiaxi (President, Cogdel Alumni Elite Association) introduced the meaning of Platform 1, Cogdel Alumni Elite Association desired to be a platform for alumni to share the resources in order to support them to start their own business. Regarding the students service, Cogdel Alumni Elite Association would base on two “A” concepts-Academic and Adaptability in order to support students in academic and school life. Meanwhile, Ms. Lu explained the concept of K100 from Mr. Wang Shu, and K100 would provide the service with lifelong learning for the alumni.

In the end of the party, Ms. Tong Xiaomiao shared her experience in Dragon Foundation (one of the biggest Chinese Young Leaders Organization in the World) and she encouraged all the participants to leave the comfortable zone with confidence to face more challenges in globalization.

At 6:30p.m., the dinner started with the speech from Mr. Wang Shu. Mr. Wang expressed his sincere gratitude to all the guests coming and also wished Cogdel and Chengdu No.7 High School International Department could success in the next 20 and more years.

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