Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2019-02-14 浏览次数:3563

★新闻导读 News Guide★
Headquarters News
王舒总裁接受杂志《The Economist》专访
President Mr. Wang Shu Did an Interview with "The Economist"
Cogdel Signed a Cooperation Agreement with Cranleigh School in the UK

Center News
Chengdu Senior Students Received Top US College Offers and High TOEFL and SAT Scores
Chengdu Students Achieved Excellent Results in the 2018 NHSDLC
Suzhou Alumni Association Activity — 2018 UK Visit Trip
Suzhou "Secret of Mascot Course" Launched
Wuhan Center Won the "Chinese International School Top 100"
Wuhan Art Course Performance Ended Successfully
Chongqing Students Won the Silver Award of Asdan Business Simulation
重庆校区升学指导部门老师全体获得Trained Education Counselors认证证书
Chongqing SS Teachers Got "Trained Education Counselors" Certificate

总部新闻 Headquarters News

王舒总裁接受杂志《The Economist》专访

President Mr. Wang Shu Did an Interview with "The Economist"
近日王舒总裁在总部办公室接受了《The Economist》杂志高级总编Emma的专访。王舒总裁向Emma介绍了康德教育发展历程、业务板块、国际课程开设情况。同时Emma就中国民办教育促进法、中国国际教育发展情况进行了提问。在专访中,Emma就国际学校在中国的发展情况表示出了关注,王总对该杂志的海外读者传递了他的观点:“国际教育市场在未来10年内发展前景良好,但投资者需要耐心,需要制定长期的战略,而非着眼于短期的盈利。”
Recently, President Mr. Wang Shu did an interview with Emma (Senior Editor of The Economist) in head office. Mr. Wang introduced our history, business and curriculum to Emma. At the same time, Emma asked questions about Private Education Promotion Law and international education in China. Emma expressed concern about international schools in China and Mr. Wang gave a personal view to The Economist overseas readers: "International education has good prospects in the next 10 years in China, but investors need patience, need to make long-term strategies, rather than focusing on short-term profits."


Cogdel Signed a Cooperation Agreement with Cranleigh School in the UK

Cogdel recently signed a cooperation agreement with Cranleigh School in the UK. Founded in 1865, Cranleigh is a traditional private school with a long history. Cranleigh is also known internationally for its exceptional academic performance. As the exclusive authorized partner of Cranleigh School in China, Cogdel will be fully responsible for launching and operating Cranleigh schools in China.

康德成都校区Chengdu Kaibo Center


Chengdu Senior Students Received Top US College Offers and High TOEFL and SAT Scores


Chengdu students have received 34 offers from top 50 universities in the United States. Students also broke a new record in TOEFL and SAT scores which are far higher than other international schools in southwest China.


Chengdu Students Achieved Excellent Results in the 2018 NHSDLC

30 students from Chengdu center participated the 2018 National High School Debate League of China(NHSDLC) and 17% of the students won "best debater".

康德苏州校区Suzhou Kaibo Center


Suzhou Alumni Association Activity — 2018 UK Visit Trip
Suzhou organized a 10-day "Visiting Alumni Trip" in the UK, which received positive response from local alumni.


Suzhou "Secret of Mascot Course" Launched

Suzhou "Secret of Mascot Course" launched recently. This course will be implemented in three years and help students practice and apply what they've learnt.

康德武汉校区Wuhan Kaibo Center

Wuhan Center Won the "Chinese International School Top 100"


Wuhan center won the "Chinese International School Top 100" and "2018 Chinese International School Energy Star" in 2018 Chinese International School Conference.


Wuhan Art Course Performance Ended Successfully

Wuhan art course performance ended successfully. 12 classic music of the world were played in the instrumental performance.

康德重庆校区Chongqing Kaibo Center


Chongqing Students Won the Silver Award of Asdan Business Simulation
ASDAN Business Simulation was successfully held in Chongqing and our students won the Silver Award!

重庆校区升学指导部门老师全体获得Trained Education Counselors认证证书

Chongqing SS Teachers Got "Trained Education Counselors" Certificate

重庆一双国际部升学指导部门老师凭借扎实的理论基础和超高的专业水准,全员以100%的通过率顺利完成培训和考试,获得由U.S.NEWS颁发的“Trained Education Counselors”认证证书。

With 100% passing rate, Chongqing SS teachers successfully completed the training and examination and obtained "Trained Education Counselors" certificate issued by U.S.NEWS.

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