Cogdel Newsletter(2019年3月-4月)

发布时间:2019-05-27 浏览次数:3129

★新闻导读 News Guide★
总部新闻 Headquarters News
Cogdel Was Invited to Attend the Southwest International Education Salon
Jiangsu Zhenze High School and Cogdel jointly Set Up International Department of Zhenze

中心新 Center News

Suzhou **** High School Became Calvert High School’s Partner School
Suzhou Center Held a Conference on the Integration of Chinese and Western of International Education
Head of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), Govement of Western Australia Visited Chengdu Center
Wuhan and Chengdu Center Got AQA (Oxford International AQA Examinations) Authorization
Zach Attended 2019 Wuhan Teachers' Reading Conference
The Officer of U.S. Consul General Was Invited to Chongqing Center
Chongqing Center Held the Teacher Skills Competition

总部新闻 Headquarters News
Cogdel Was Invited to Attend the Southwest International Education Salon
Cogdel was invited to attend the Southwest International Education Salon held by TopSchools in Chongqing to discuss the operation and development of International Schools under the New Classified Management Policy with more than 50 educators.


Jiangsu Zhenze High School and Cogdel jointly Set Up International Department of Zhenze
Jiangsu Zhenze High School, Suzhou International Foundation School and Cogdel signed a cooperation framework agreement to jointly announce the establishment of International Department of Jiangsu Zhenze High School.

中心新Center News

康德苏州校区Suzhou Kaibo center
Suzhou **** High School Became Calvert High School’s Partner School
江苏省苏州第一中学校长唐敏、美国卡佛特高级中学校长Steve Gross出席缔结友好学校仪式并签署了协议,省苏州一中国际部校长沈桂芳主持了仪式。
Mr. Tang Min (Principal of Suzhou No. 1 High School) and Mr. Steve Gross (Principal of Carvert High School) signed the partner school agreement. Crystal performed the ceremony.

Suzhou Center Held a Conference on the Integration of Chinese and Western of International Education
苏州一中唐敏校长、卡佛特高中Steve Gross校长以及康德研究院张敏院长,在苏州一中开展了生动的《中西融合国际教育联合说》访谈会,为苏州校区的外籍教师们分享了中美融合课程。
Suzhou center held a conference on the Integration of Chinese and Western of International Education. Mr. Tang Min, Mr. Steve Gross and Mr. Zhang Min attend the conference and gave speeches.

康德成都校区Chengdu Kaibo center

Head of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), Govement of Western Australia Visited Chengdu Center
西澳大利亚教育部标准课程委员会(SCSA)国际部负责人Roshan Perera先生到访成都七中国际部,与校长杨越及康德教育研究院老师进行了亲切会谈。
Mr. Roshan Perera, head of the international department of the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA), Govement of Western Australia visited Chengdu center and had a meeting with Esther, Shirley and TT.

康德武汉校区Wuhan Kaibo center
Wuhan and Chengdu Center Got AQA (Oxford International AQA Examinations) Authorization
Wuhan and Chengdu center got AQA (Oxford International AQA Examinations) authorization and held the launch ceremony in each center.

Zach Attended 2019 Wuhan Teachers' Reading Conference
武汉校区学术校长Zachary Herold参加《2019年武汉教师读书大会》,他用一代伟人毛泽东的一首气势磅礴、意气风发的《沁园春·雪》,读出了他对中国诗词的无限热爱和对中国文化及教育事业的满腔热情。
Mr. Zachary Herold, Academic Principal of Wuhan Center, attended 2019 Wuhan Teachers' Reading Conference. He read out his boundless love for Chinese poetry and his passion for Chinese culture and education with a famous poem by Mr. Mao Zedong.

康德重庆校区Chongqing Kaibo center
The Officer of U.S. Consul General Was Invited to Chongqing Center
The officer of U.S. Consul General was invited to give an introduction of the visa policy to the AP students in Chongqing center and gave detailed answers to their questions to help them prepare visa application.
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Chongqing Center Held the Teacher Skills Competition
In order to promote teachers' teaching skills, Chongqing center held the Teacher Skills Competition. Teachers communicated and shared in the competition, and they were recognized for their wonderful speeches.

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