
发布时间:2020-01-15 浏览次数:4202


On the 6th of December BritChamSW and the AustCham West China co-organised a Commonwealth Christmas Dinner at the Fairmont Chengdu. The event was supported by the British Consulate-General Chongqing, the Australian Consulate-General Chengdu and the New Zealand Consulate-General Chengdu. Chengdu Cogdel Cranleigh School was invited as the sole sponsor of education industry.

晚宴共吸引了近120名中外来宾,包括中国西南英国商会主席 Matt Ryan,澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆总领事 Christopher Lim,新西兰驻成都总领事馆副总领事 Xander Burns,中国澳大利亚商会华西分会主席 Stephen Young,成都棕榈泉费尔蒙酒店总经理 John Webb等。康德教育集团副总裁、成都七中国际部执行校长杨越女士作为成都康礼·克雷格公学代表也应邀出席了本次晚宴,并在晚宴上致辞。杨越女士首先向在场的各位来宾简单介绍了正在筹建中的成都康礼·克雷格公学,随后向大家展示了这个未来学校的3D渲染效果视频,最后预祝大家圣诞快乐!

With almost 120 attendees and an evening full of fun Christmas spirit, the event was a great success. Ms. Yang Yue, Vice President of Cogdel introduced Chengdu Cogdel Cranleigh School and showed the video of the future school to everyone. At last, she wished everyone a merry Christmas!向右滑动查看更多欢乐的歌声、华丽的色调、可口的大餐使得整个晚宴一直充满着欢愉的圣诞气氛。来宾们大快朵颐,把酒言欢,畅谈古今中外,进一步促进了中西交流与融合。

The joyful singing and delicious meal made the whole dinner party has been full of the merry Christmas atmosphere. The attendees enjoyed themselves with wine and food by which further enhanced the friendship between China and the West.



As one of  the first high-end private K12 international schools in Chengdu, Chengdu Cogdel Cranleigh School is a milestone of international education. The school, jointly launched by Cogdel Education, the partner of International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School and UK Cranleigh School, a local pretigious boarding school, is committed to becoming a top international school in West China, and one of the leading K12 schools in the country and the world.

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