中国加油! 我们在行动 ——康德大家庭打响疫情防控战

发布时间:2020-05-13 浏览次数:2419


Cogdel Education always priorities the health and well-being of all the student and staff, and especially in the campaign against the novel coronavirus, all the Cogdel centers are taking strong measures and actions to protect the students and staff.


International Department of Wuhan No.6 High School


In the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus starts and makes the city suffer the most, led by Principal Ren Nengxiang and Party Secretary Xiao Jinwang of Wuhan No.6 High School, the international department staff have been participating in the work of self-protecting and helping the community. One task for example is that all the staff go to Guanghua Community to help deliver the sanitary stuff to the local residents and help with the calling to more than 300 residents for the daily survey of personal health status.


Principal Ren and Party Secretary Xia visited the party branch of Jiangma Community and helped with the work of publicity of the virus to the local people


Party Secretary of Branch of Grade 10 Zhou Hongwen is helping with the delivery of sanitary materials


Xu Tao, Party Secretary of Grade 11 Branch is helping with the body temperature test to the local residents


● 武汉六中国际部


Meanwhile, the staff of international department contributes to the volunteer and charity work for the fund and materials. Miss Shu Lu, College Counselling Director works in the project initiated by Alumni Association Shanghai Branch, University of Pennsylvania to purchase the medical facilities from other countries. The Student Union of International Department starts the project of donation through the official wechat account of the international department, fully supported by the school and the department. With the hard work by the student and teachers, a total fund of RMB 64,606 yuan, including 50,000 yuan donated by Mr. Wang Shu, President of Cogdel Education Group is collected and transferred to Jiang’an District Charity Association.


International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School


Spring is coming, can victory be far behind?

英国浪漫诗人雪莱曾说过:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?” 成都七中国际部发声:“春天来了,胜利还会远吗?”为做好相关防疫工作,学校第一时间响应,全面了解师生假期外出情况,做到精准摸排,每日跟踪,准确及时上报信息。通过微信公众号、QQ群、微信群等网络渠道,发布通告、温馨提示、告学生书等方式,进行疫情防护知识宣传。

The British romantic poet Shelley once said: "Winter is coming, can spring be far behind?" The International Department of Chengdu No.7 High School said, " Spring is coming, can victory be far behind?" In order to do a good job in epidemic prevention, the department responded in first time, thoroughly checked the vacation situation of teachers and students, accurate mapped and daily traced, accurate and timely reported of information. Through the WeChat public account, QQ group, WeChat group and other network channels, announcements, warm reminders, student notices and other methods are used to publicize the knowledge of epidemic prote




We will work together to fulfill our due diligence and fight against the epidemic.

锦城一中国际部(筹)在疫情发生的第一时间向学生、家长科普新冠居家防护、心理关护的正确“姿势“;同时,与家长建立有效沟通机制,密切关注学生每日健康情况。此外,学校特邀成都鹰阁医院(Gleneagles Hospital, Chengdu)资深呼吸内科医师李燕娜医生,于2020年2月9日为教师和学生家长在线分享新型冠状病毒肺炎相关防护知识。

"Knowledge is the power- science popularization new epidemic prevention, guard you and me"
The International Department of Jincheng No.1 Secondary School prepared the correct “posture” of home protection and psychological care for students and parents in the first time of the epidemic. At the same time, the school established an effective communication mechanism with parents to closely monitor students' daily health. In addition, the school specially invited Dr. Li Yanna, a senior respiratory physician at Gleneagles Hospital, Chengdu, to share knowledge about new coronavirus pneumonia protection online for teachers and parents on February 9, 2020.


The International Department staff work diligently to prepare for online teaching so as to lower down the impact on the student due to the delay of school open.



They're protecting the world, we want to protect them.



"Online Courses and Coaching"

In order to strictly implement the relevant provisions on suspension of classes, the school will carry out online teaching, tutoring, testing and other teaching activities in various ways. Meanwhile, the college guidance department will conduct live online courses and lectures to analyze the trend of studying abroad, and help students and parents to rationally and comprehensively plan the school selection.


Alumni Fan and current students jointly organized a fund-raising campaign. The funds raised will be purchased and transported to Wuhan by the Chinese Students' Union of overseas universities.


International Department of Suzhou No.1 Middle School and Jiangsu Zhenze High School

All-round epidemic prevention and control, studying hard at home



The school set up an epidemic working group to guide and implement the prevention and control during the outbreak. The school also comprehensively guides students and parents in home protection by reprinting the epidemic prevention Manual of Suzhou Education Bureau. At the same time, through reminder letters, appease the anxiety of students and parents, and care about the health of Chinese and foreign teachers. In addition, through the interpretation of university application, visa application and standardized examination, students and parents of the international department will be reassured. The school also issued questionnaires to students, urging them to maintain a positive state of study and make full use of every day of the holiday.

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