Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2428

新闻导读News Guide

中心活动 Center Activities

• 康德集团总裁王舒先生出访英国

Mr.Wang Shu (President, Cogdel Group) paid a visit to Britain

• 苏州国际预科学校“外教课堂项目”中标

Cooperation agreement on program Foreign Teachers’ Demo Classes successfully signed between Suzhou International Foundation School and local government

• 北京市第三十五中学国际部2016届学生毕业典礼圆满举行

Commencement of International Department, Beijing No.35 High School successfully held

• 武汉市第六中学国际部2016届学生毕业典礼圆满举行

Commencement of International Department, Wuhan No.6 High School successfully held

• 成都七中国际部第二校区老师在成都七中英语教研活动中献课

Teacher from the second campus of Chengdu K&B School gave a demo class on English teaching seminar in Chengdu No.7 High School


康德集团总裁王舒先生于5月3日至13 日期间出访英国。此行的目的在于促进中英双方教育领域的交流与合作,提升中国高中和大学的教育国际化水平。

From May 3rd to 13th, Mr.Wang Shu (President, Cogdel Group) paid a visit to Britain. The visit was aimed at seeking opportunities to collaborate in terms of international education, thus enhancing the strength of international education in national high schools and universities.


1)王舒先生走访位于伦敦以西的英国顶尖贵族私立高中Wellington College(威灵顿公学)、位于英格兰西南部 Somerset 地区的Millfield School(米尔菲尔德学校)、苏格兰地区知名的私立学校 ESMS(Erskine Stewart's Melville Schools);

Mr.Wang Shu visited Wellington College and Millfield School, both private boarding schools in England, and ESMS, a K12 school in Scotland.


2)王舒先生造访数家英国教育机构,其中包括位于曼彻斯特的NCUK(英国北方大学联合会)、英国领先的教育培训集团QA和英国注册会计师协会ACCA 伦敦总部。王舒先生与这些机构就中国目前在国际教育领域面临的发展机遇和挑战进行了深入的交流探讨。

Mr.Wang Shu visited several educational institutes, including without limitation NCUK, QA and ACCA headquarters. And they launched several in-depth discussions about the opportunities and challenges for the development of international education in China.



As Deputy Director of Chinese Overseas Friendship Association, Sichuan Committee of China Zhigong Party, Mr.Wang Shu had cordial talks with ethnic Chinese and overseas students, which would make a significant influence on the unification of the country.




Recently, cooperation agreement on program Foreign Teachers’ Demo Classes was successfully signed between Suzhou International Foundation School and local government. Suzhou International Foundation School has undertaken the program since June, 2015. The program offers international courses for local schools so as to cultivate students’ comprehensive skills. It is the second time that Suzhou International Foundation School has obtained local government’s outsourcing program, which would make foreign teachers’ recruitment and management of Suzhou International Foundation School more diversified and matured.





On May 8th, the commencement of International Department, Beijing No.35 High School was successfully held. School leaders, teachers and parents gathered to witness their growth and glory. At the end of the commencement, the charity program Zhicheng 1+ was officially launched, which would encourage these graduates to continue undertaking good causes to help students in remote and rural areas.



On May 20th, the commencement of International Department, Wuhan No.6 High School was successfully held. All teachers felt proud of their brilliant achievements. Till now, they were the first group witnessing the development of International Department, Wuhan No.6 High School in the past three years.


5月30日,由成都七中林荫校区英语教研组发起,成都七中、四中、九中、成外等成都十余所知名中学约150位高中英语老师共同参与的英语教研公开课在七中林荫校区成功举行。成都七中国际部第二校区(K&B School)外籍教师Annie受邀为参与此次教研会的老师们带来了一场关于英语写作的精彩公开课。课上,她展示了诸多先进的教学方法,希望给在座的各位老师启发,以帮助同学们更加积极地参与课堂,从而更好地写作。

On May 30th, a seminar on English teaching which around 150 teachers from a dozen local excellent high schools attended, was successfully held on Linyin campus in Chengdu No.7 High School. Annie from the second campus of Chengdu K&B School was invited to give a demo class on English writing and application essay at the seminar.

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