Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2017-06-21 浏览次数:2563

新闻导读News Guide

中心活动 Center Activities

• 康德集团·楷博财经教育(北京)公司开业典礼圆满举行

Beijing office opening ceremony of KB Financial successfully held

• 康德集团与四川外国语大学成都学院正式签约TESOL合作项目

TESOL cooperation agreement signed between Cogdel Group and Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University

• 重庆高中生英语现场写作竞赛圆满举行

English Writing Contest for Chongqing High School Students successfully held

• 苏州国际预科学校外教环游苏州古城

Foreign teachers from Suzhou International Foundation School toured the local city

• 苏州国际预科学校师生迎接中国第32次南极科学考察队凯旋

Teachers and students from Suzhou International Foundation School welcomed Chinese 32nd Scientific Expedition to Antarctica back home

• 纽约大学阿布扎比分校受邀来访成都七中

NYUAD’s tour to Chengdu No.7 High School

• 美本新申请系统CAAS解析指导会成功举行

CAAS guidance meeting successfully held



On April 15th, Beijing office opening ceremony of KB Financial was successfully held, and representatives from all works of life attended this grand event. The establishment of Beijing office was aimed at helping China’s universities and colleges improve the international level of financial education, thus laying a profound foundation for students’ career.




On April 22nd, the first Sichuan TESOL internationally recognized teaching and test center in Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University was formally established. The center was authorized by Cogdel Group, which is Sichuan TESOL authentication and management center of American TESOL Institute-China.



On March 28th, English Writing Contest for Chongqing High School Students was successfully held in Chongqing Library. And three students from Chongqing No.1 Bilingual Middle School ranked top 6. Hereby, we extended our sincere congratulations on their success.



On April 21th, 14 foreign teachers from Suzhou International Foundation School toured around Suzhou to experience its unique charm and time-honored culture by walking along the city river.



On April 21st, students from Suzhou International Foundation School welcomed Chinese 32nd Scientific Expedition to Antarctica back home. It’s firmly believed that it’s a significantly meaningful education activity to broaden students’ horizon and insight by communicating with scientists and having a close observation of research instruments on the Vessel.


3月27日,纽约大学阿布扎比分校(NYUAD)受K&B School(成都)第二校区的邀请,来到成都七中林荫校区,为七中林荫和高新两校区的学生和家长们带来了一场关于这所“神校”信息的全方位解析讲座。NYUAD被称为全球最难申请的大学,每年仅有1%左右录取率。2014年成都七中国际部优秀学生肖隽仪同学被该校全奖录取。

On March 27th ,New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) was invited by the second campus of Chengdu K&B School to Chengdu No.7 High School to share all-round information to potential families. It is reported that NYUAD is the most difficult university to be enrolled into with around only 1% admission rate. In 2014, Xiao Junyi from International Department, Chengdu No.7 High School was accepted by the excellent university with full scholarship.


4月10日,K&B School(成都)第二校区常青藤导师Anne和Josh及优+计划导师Damon在成都七中林荫校区为广大学子和家长们带来了一场针对美国大学全新申请系统(CAAS)的权威解析讲座。本次讲座吸引成都百余位学生和家长到场聆听,气氛火爆热烈。

On April 10th, CAAC guidance meeting was successfully held, in which three excellent tutors from the second campus of Chengdu K&B School gave a comprehensive analysis about the new American application system to potential families.

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