
发布时间:2018-02-5 浏览次数:2900

康德教育校长领航班(美国基地)培训在Pepperdine University进入到了第三天。在完成了培训的第一课——文化胜任力和领导力培训后,来自Pepperdine教育学院的访问教授和助理教授Dr. Vigil和Ms. Trapp继续带来了丰富、实用、专业的主题培训内容。

On Jan. 31st and Feb. 1st, Pepperdine-Cogdel International Leadership Training has come to its third and fourth day. After finished the lesson Cultural Competency and Leadership, Cogdel Delegation continued to receive professional training lessons given by Dr. Vigil and Ms. Trapp (Professors, Graduate School of Education and Psychology).



School Improvement, Data and PD

定义和重定义学校的提升计划,是Dr. Vigil带来的第一个培训内容。管理者围绕着学校目前最关注的问题进行了讨论,如:如何招到优质生源、如何体现教师职业发展、如何进行新老师培训等进行了讨论。Dr. Vigil提到,管理者需要不定时地反思,把学校提升当作是首要职责。在制定提升计划的时候,需要考虑课程实施、学校环境、关注家长的意见,制定3年的有效计划。提升计划在执行时会涉及到变化,变化需要时间,且有一定阻碍,管理者应该关注如何激励教职员工,让大家都目标一致,描绘实施路径。同时,在计划实施的过程中需要实施和评估。



接着,Dr. Vigil为大家深入浅出地说明了数据收集在学校提升中起的作用。他提到学校管理者需要正确使用数据,通过收集的数据进行长期地比较。同时,培训还邀请了三位美国优秀中小学校长座谈,他们从建校、学术、教师管理运作、美国教育发展趋势等方面进行了分享。美国校长的分享具有重要的借鉴意义,他们丰富的管理和教学经验,处理校园突发状况的能力都令人敬佩。教师的职业发展也是学校的头等大事,Dr. Vigil鼓励校长们为教师学习创造一个良好的环境,开展合作式的学习。

校长座谈(依次为Ms. Byrd, Dr. Hguchi, Dr. Filer)

The lesson given by Dr. Vigil was called School Improvement, Data and PD. In the morning, Cogdel Management worked in groups and discussed on various topics, including How to recruit excellent students? How to promote the career development of teachers? How to conduct trainings for new teachers?……Dr. Vigil also introduced the approaches to making school improvement plans and the importance of data collection. In the afternoon, Dr. Vigil invited three school principals to share their experience in school construction, academics, teacher management, and development trend of American education, which is very helpful and significant to the development of Cogdel campuses.



Coach Conversation

第三天的培训涉及了21世纪核心素养、美国共同核心州立标准、KWHLAQ教学法、项目制学习、引导式谈话技巧等内容。因涉及的培训内容比较专业,Ms. Trapp请各位校长在开始培训内容前,两天之内读完100页的书籍Coach Conservation,这对于还处于倒时差的校长们来讲是一个非常大的挑战。

紧张的课程从上午8点准时开始,Ms. Trapp请各位管理者分成小组讨论,什么是21世纪的学习?校长们积极踊跃发言,列举了21世纪学习特点。随后Ms. Trapp用她满腔的激情给大家分享了4Cs(Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration)核心素养、KWHLAQ教育法,希望大家将这些方法灵活地运用到教学管理中。同时,Ms. Trapp还无私地分享了她根据KWHLAQ教育法原创的课程实施思路框架,供各位中国校长参考。


K: Know我知道什么

W: Want我想知道什么

H: How我怎么找出答案

L: Learn我学到了什么

A: Action我采取了什么行动

Q: Question我还有什么问题

随后,Ms. Trapp为大家分享了美国共同核心州立标准,校长们基于自己的理解,利用KWHLAQ教育法进行小组研究。美国共同核心州立标准Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 涵盖了幼儿园到G12(相当于国内高三)各个年级,包括了数学与英语通识两个基础学科的课程标准体系。其目的在于培养有批判性思维和创新能力的21世纪美国公民,让孩子们在高中毕业时为上大学和就业做好充分的准备,这一标准还将确保学生从一个校区转学到另一校区时,可以顺利衔接。

紧接着,Ms. Trapp介绍了项目制学习方法Project Based Learning (PBL),并结合书籍Coach Conservation讲解了领导力和引导式谈话技巧两部分内容,让管理者审视自己的管理风格,有助于提升管理水平。引导式谈话技巧从聆听和谈话出发,通过场景模拟,训练校长的谈话水平。



The fourth-day training involved several topics including 4Cs, Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Project Based Learning (PBL), KWHLAQ Method, and Coach Conversation. Ms. Trapp, the lecturer, has delivered detailed presentations on these education concepts and encouraged everyone to apply them to teaching and management. Before class, everyone was also told to finish a 100-page book called Coach Conversation. Although the training was much challenging and intensive, all members thought it was rewarding.


Mr. Wang Shu (President, Cogdel Education Group) also spoke highly of the Pepperdine-Cogdel International Leadership Training. He expressed his expectations and blessings in the following letter.


据了解,这几天你们在Pepperdine University度过了愉快的培训时光,对此我感到十分欣慰。为了让大家通过此次机会收获更多,我们与Pepperdine仔细讨论和研究了你们的培训内容。我希望所有的课程能够让你在康德今后的工作中受益。我还了解到这几天各位十分认真地在学习,不论是记笔记,提问,还是小组讨论,大家都十分积极。以上充分证明了你们是主动学习者,这正是康德教育作为一家教育企业所倡导的。另外,大家的培训强度也很大,在认真学习的同时,我也希望你们可以利用空闲时间好好休息。如果你需要任何帮助,请随时联系我们康德美国洛杉矶办公室的Kenny,同时感谢Kenny对本次培训付出的努力。最后,祝各位在美国一切顺利,我们下周五见!

Dear colleagues,

I am very pleased to know that you've been enjoying your study at Pepperdine University. We have carefully discussed with the university about the training topics to maximize your learning. I hope all the lessons will benefit your future work at Cogdel. I was told that everyone was very concentrated in class, by either taking notes or asking questions initiatively or discussing with the team members positively. Your performance has proved that you are active learners whom Cogdel encourages as a company in education. The training is very intensive. While studying well, I hope you can take a good rest in your spare time. If you need any help, please do contact Kenny, our colleague of Cogdel USA., @Kenny, thank you for your efforts to this! Hope you all have a wonderful trip in the U.S.!See you next Friday!

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