
发布时间:2018-02-9 浏览次数:2174


康德教育校长领航班(美国基地)培训继续在Pepperdine University进行。第五天的课程内容涉及三个方面:一是思考科技对于学校教育的影响,二是美国西部学校与学院教育联盟 Western Association of Schools and Colleges (以下简称WASC)认证整体介绍,三是制定自身学校的提升方案。

Pepperdine教育学院的访问教授Dr. Vigil是本次培训的主讲师,他带领各位校长一起讨论了科技对于教育的利弊问题,辩证以及全方位地思考科技应用对学校的影响。校长们现场通过在线问答的形式,了解并统计大家对科技的不同看法。思想的碰撞让大家意识到,科技在教学中有至关重要的作用。合理运用科技,合理分配教学设备费用,可以使我们的课堂教学更有效,学生参与的积极性更高。


培训的第二部分内容为WASC的整体介绍。Dr. Vigil对于培训进行了逆向思考,他先要求校长们在线找寻WASC的有关信息,再就WASC做了相关介绍。Dr. Vigil介绍说,WASC是美国教育部授权权威教育机构。它的认证评鉴工作严谨公正,具有权威性与荣誉性。


On Feb. 2nd, Pepperdine-Cogdel International Leadership Training continued. The fifth-day lesson involved three major topics, i.e. The impact of technology on school education, the introduction of WASC, and school improvement plan implement. At first, the lecturer, Dr. Vigil, led a discussion on technology and education. By asking questions, brainstorming, and collecting feedback, everyone was actively engaged in the discussion. Later, Dr. Vigil made principals google the term “WASC” and gave a detailed introduction of it. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), accredited by US Department of Education, is an official academic body responsible for the accreditation of public and private universities, colleges, secondary and elementary schools in the South and Pacific regions of America. After that, OPs and APs worked in groups and made the improvement plan for each campus. The Head Office Team also worked out the construction plan for Cogdel international school.


康德教育校长领航班(美国基地)培训进行到了第六天。校长们来到了Environmental Academy of Research Technology and Earth Sciences (EARTHS)小学和Pepperdine University, Malibu Campus(马里布校区)进行参观交流。


EARTHS的校长Jeff接待了大家。他介绍到,EARTHS是有着10年历史的磁石学校*,目前在校生有544人,教师60人,在加州当地属于中等规模的小学。学校自主研发融合式课程,老师们通过自行编订教材,实施跨学科教学。同时,学校还与众多机构有着密切的合作,Pepperdine University有5名老师在该校进行项目任教。






来自Pepperdine University教育与心理学学院的主任Helen、本科大一新生Jon以及国际生招生办公室的Scott接待了校长团。他们带领校长们分别前往学校的研究生学院和本科生学院参观,并进行了深入的交流。




本科生学院Seaver College包括8个部门,提供了近40个专业方向的学位,课程包括财经、法律、纺织与服装、管理、教育、旅游、人文艺术、社科类、体育、新闻传播、语言等。Pepperdine的国际项目非常强大,学生在大二时可以选择去上海、英国、德国、法国、瑞士、阿根廷或意大利学习。




On Feb.5th, Cogdel Principals have visited Evironmental Academy of Research Technology and Earth Sciences (EARTHS) and Pepperdine University, Malibu Campus.

Environmental Academy of Research Technology and Earth Sciences (EARTHS) is a medium-sized public elementary school with 544 students and 60 faculties. As a magnet school, EARTHS is featured by its Natural Science and Technology. The Principal, Jeff Rickert, extended a warm welcome to Cogdel Delegation and showed everyone around the campus. Cogdel Principals entered several classrooms and were amazed by students’ concentration in class. EARTHS teacher also made a detailed introduction of their integrated curriculum and its implementation, which was very impressive and essential to Cogdel Principals.

After visiting EARTHS, Cogdel Principals arrived at Pepperdine University, Malibu Campus (main campus). Different from West Los Angeles Graducate Campus, Malibu Campus is one of the most beautiful college campuses in the Unites States. It is also the location for Seaver College, the School of Law, the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, the Graziadio School of Business and Management, and the School of Public Policy. Ms. Helen Williams (Dean, Graduate School of Education and Psychology), Jon (Freshman, Pepperdine University), and Mr. Scott (International Student Admission Office) welcomed Cogdel Principals and gave everyone a tour around the campus.

Seaver College offers undergraduates a liberal arts education and comprises 8 divisions that offer 40 majors and 37 minors. Seaver College students attend classes at the Malibu main campus and study abroad courses are offered at the University's permanent international campuses in Heidelberg Germany, London England, Shanghai China, Washington D.C., Florence Italy, Lausanne Switzerland, and Buenos Aires Argentina. Mr. Scott gave a detailed introduction of the admission policies of Pepperdine University. He also said he was very likely to visit Cogdel campuses this year and communicate with Cogdel students.

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