
发布时间:2018-02-12 浏览次数:3274


On the 9th and 10th day training, Cogdel Principals have visited University of Southern California, University of California, Los Angeles, Ernest S. McBride Sr. High School, and Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles.



南加大University of Southern California(USC),成立于1880年,是一所四年制的私立研究性大学,在历年的全美大学排名中,南加大的综合排名总在前三十。校长们在南加大的游览从USC中心最著名的特洛伊广场——特洛伊战士铜像开始,来自该校大四的专业向导Joelle为校长们进行了校园游览介绍。


参观的时候,校长们偶遇学校的Job Fair。据Joelle介绍,南加大给学生提供了很多的实习机会,应征这些实习机会的不光是大三大四的学生,很多大一大二的学生在暑假也找到了不错的短期实习工作,这对今后的就业有很大的帮助。

参观的时候正遇电影艺术学院 (USC School of Cinematic Arts) 举办人猿星球影片回顾展,展览将持续到今年5月。南加大的电影艺术学院在全美各大电影学院中排名第一,最著名的校友包括了电影《星球大战》系列的导演和《阿甘正传》的导演等。


下午,校长团来到加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 参观。UCLA是加利福尼亚大学系统中的第二所大学,是美国最好的公立大学之一。强势专业包括了经济、法律、医学、社会科学等。校长们在康德美国西部办公室Kenny老师的带领下,参观了学院图书馆、罗伊斯礼堂、物理生物楼和化学楼等。校长们感受了UCLA近140年的校园历史文化,欣赏了UCLA最美的校园风景。



In the morning, Cogdel Principals have paid a visit to University of Southern California (USC) which is a private research university located in Los Angeles. Founded in 1880, USC is the oldest private research university in California. It was ranked 21st in U.S. News & World Report's 2018 annual ranking of national universities. Joelle and Brain, two students of USC, were very nice to introduce their school and give everyone a tour aound the campus. On that day, Cogdel Principals also encountered the 2018 Job Fair and 50 Years of Planet Of The Apes Exhibition. Each year, USC provides all kinds of internships for students before they enter the workforce. USC is also famous for its Cinematic Arts. Its famous Alumni in the movie industry include directors of Star Wars film series and Forest Gump.

In the afternoon, Cogdel Principals arrived at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) which is a prestigious public research university located in Los Angeles. It became the Southern Branch of the University of California in 1919, making it the second-oldest undergraduate campus of the ten-campus University of California system. The impacted majors of UCLA include Economics, Law, Medicine, and Social Sciences. UCLA is also famous for its beautiful scenery which is characterized by its ancient architecture. Numerous Hollywood movies have been filmed at UCLA. Management of Cogdel Chongqing Campus also paid a special visit to Bob who was a graduate of International Department of Chongqing No.1 High School now studying at UCLA. The good news is that Bob is an outstanding student with a GPA of 3.8. He said he was very likely to continue his PhD at UCLA.











On Feb.10th, Cogdel Principals paid a visit to Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles and had in-depth communication with Counsellor Zhang and Consul Chai. After hearing the introduction of Cogdel Education Group, Counsellor Zhang praised Cogdel for promoting the Sino-US cooperation and exchange through teacher training programs. He also said that Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles would like to provide Cogdel Education with abundant school resources at home and abroad. In addition, he expressed three expectations for Cogdel Education:

1、To promote Sino-US communication in higher education and accelerate the internationalization of Chinese universities.

2、To promote the Sino-US mutual learning in elementary education by not only sending Chinese students abroad but also making American students come to China.

3、To provide more training opportunities for teachers at home, thus enable teachers of both countries to learn from each other.

In the afternoon, Cogdel Principals arrived at Ernest S. McBride Sr. High School. Built in 2013, McBride High School is an elite high school with 700 students. According to Mr. Gerard (Student Program Director), the school is famous for its STEM curriculum and currently provides three professional study programs, including Engineering, Medical Health, and Criminal Investigation. Unlike ordinary high schools, McBride High School has no playground, however, it owns four top-level science labs.

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