Cogdel Newsletter

发布时间:2018-07-27 浏览次数:3186

总部新闻 Headquarters News
“I'm a parent in the United States” activity was successfully held in May
Cogdel Management Training Program (MTP) was successfully held in June
International Student Leadership Program (ISLP) will be launched in Cogdel centers in July
中心新闻 Center News
2018 Commencement of Wuhan Kaibo Center was successfully held
●武汉校区Open House 新生预演活动完满结束
Open House—Freshman Experience Day of Wuhan Kaibo Center achieved a great success
2018 World Leading School Associations (WLSA) Summit was successfully held at Chengdu Kaibo Center
2018 Commencement of Chengdu Kaibo Center was successfully held
The Expats Teachers Seminar on Teaching Method &Strategies was successfully held at Chongqing Kaibo Center
2018 Commencement of Chongqing Kaibo Center was successfully held
Silk Integration Curriculum Outcomes Activity was successfully held at Suzhou Kaibo Center
First Robotic Competition (FRC) Experience Exchange Meeting was successfully held at Suzhou Kaibo Center

总部新闻 Headquarters News
“I'm a parent in the United States” activity was successfully held in May
5月,康德教育集团邀请到了徐宗启博士在成都、重庆、苏州、武汉校区开展了“我在美国当家长”主题讲座。徐宗启,美国德州大学奥斯汀总校(University of Texas at Austin)新闻学博士,旅居美国32年,长期致力于中美教育发展。徐博士分享了他在美国当家长、培养孩子进入名校的经验。
In May, Cogdel invited Dr. Xu Zongqi to give a speech on "I am a parent in America" in four centers. Dr. Xu has been living in the United States for 32 years and got his Ph.D. degree at University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Xu shared his successful experience as a parent in the United States.


Cogdel Management Training Program(MTP) was successfully held in June
In June, Cogdel (Chongqing&Wuhan) Management Training Program was successfully held in Wuhan. Professor Liu Chengxi (guest speaker of Tsinghua University CEO training program) was invited to give a lecture on cross-campus management and assistance, school short-term and long-term development strategy, etc.

International Student Leadership Program (ISLP) will be launched in Cogdel centers in July
International Student Leadership Program (ISLP) will be launched next week and run in Chengdu, Wuhan and Suzhou Center from July 16th to August 3rd. The ISLP organizer is George and Barbara Bush Center for Scholars and Leaders (BCSL) which is named in honor of the 41st President, George Bush, and former first lady, Barbara Bush and Cogdel has secured an exclusive partnership with them in China.

武汉校区Wuhan Kaibo Center
2018 Commencement of Wuhan Kaibo Center was successfully held
On May 23rd, 2018 Commencement of Wuhan Kaibo Center was successfully held at Wuhan No.6 High School. Consul of U.S. Consulate General Wuhan, leaders of Wuhan Bureau of Education (Jiang’an District) and Cogdel management attended the ceremony.

武汉校区Open House 新生预演活动完满结束
Open House—Freshman Experience Day of Wuhan Kaibo Center achieved a great success
On June 23rd, over 50 students in Grade 9 experienced Wuhan Kaibo Center IHS program. Fiona (Admission Director) extended a warm welcome to the students, Zach (Academic Principal) did a course introduction and graduates’ representatives also shared their learning experience in the school.

成都校区Chengdu Kaibo Center
2018 World Leading School Associations (WLSA) Summit was successfully held at Chengdu Kaibo Center
On May 29th, 2018 World Leading School Associations (WLSA) Summit was successfully held at Chengdu Kaibo Center. The principals and admissions officers of 7 top schools including Boston College, Boston University, University of Michigan, University of Washington, Vanderbilt University, Drexel University and University of Chicago attended WLSA Summit. Chengdu Kaibo School is the only partner of WLSA in southwest China.

2018 Commencement of Chengdu Kaibo Center was successfully held
On June 21st, 2018 Commencement of Chengdu Kaibo Center was successfully held. All the teachers, students and their parents dressed up, to witness the exciting moments of commencement.

重庆校区Chongqing Kaibo Center
The Expats Teachers Seminar on Teaching Method &Strategies was successfully held at Chongqing Kaibo Center
In order to provide students with a better classroom experience, Chongqing Kaibo Center held the Expats Teachers Seminar on Teaching Method &Strategies on May 29th. In the seminar, Rob shared the "21st Century Teaching Strategy" and JP introduced "Project Analysis and Technology Teaching" which are widely recognized by teachers.

2018 Commencement of Chongqing Kaibo Center was successfully held
On June 22nd, Chongqing No.1 International Studies School held a "Shape Your Dream in Youth" Commencement in Hilton Hotel. Principals, teachers and parents attended the ceremony together, offering their best wishes to the class of 2018.

苏州校区Suzhou Kaibo Center
Silk Integration Curriculum Outcomes Activity was successfully held at Suzhou Kaibo Center
Silk Integration Curriculum Outcomes Activity was successfully held at Suzhou Kaibo Center. At the same time, school organized the English speech competition on silk to encourage students to learn more about Suzhou traditional handicrafts and promote the traditional culture.

First Robotic Competition (FRC) Experience Exchange Meeting was successfully held at Suzhou Kaibo Center
First Robotic Competition (FRC), held by US First company, has been recognized by more than 100 universities worldwide. Let us look forward to students performance in FRC!

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