
发布时间:2018-08-13 浏览次数:3376

7月16日-7月29日,历时14天,2018 ISLP国际学生领导力训练营成功落地康德三个校区(成都、苏州、武汉)。ISLP国际学生领导力训练营吸引了大批学生和家长的关注,60余名学生报名参加了此次暑期训练营活动,和来自美国布什总统领导力中心的导师团队一起,在快乐的学习和交流中度过了一个有意义的暑假周。

From July 16th to July 29th, the 2018 International Student Leadership Summer Program was successfully held at the three centers of Cogdel in Chengdu, Suzhou and Wuhan. The summer program attracted a large number of students and parents , more than 60 students signed up for it and spent a meaningful week of summer holiday.



The International Student Leadership Program (ISLP) is a leadership development program hosted by the George & Barbara Bush Center for Scholars and Leaders (BCSL) in Houston, Texas which is the only high school student leadership center in the United States named after the US President. Cogdel got the exclusive authorization of BCSL and launched the ISLP for the first time in China this summer and all Cogdel students got a Bush Family Leadership Certificate after completion of the course.



Let's take a look at the wonderful performances of students in this summer camp!

首站成都校区——豪华师资 强势开营


ISLP首站落地成都,这也是布什总统领导力中心的豪华师资阵容首次和中国学生见面。ISLP的师资平均教学年龄17年,有着丰富的领导力课程研发和授课经验。他们中有的是莱斯大学的教授,有的拥有Apple专业开发从业经历,有的拥有企业高管从业经历。他们涉猎广泛,在教育、科学、文学、商业、军事等领域各有建树。Dr. Darren Price和Anne Dalton担任成都站的教学工作。Dr. Darren Price拥有超过14年的教学经验,曾多次在IBO太平洋地区研讨会中担任重要角色,也曾在多次大会上发表有关领导力、教育科技、实践运用的主题演讲,同时他还是Apple杰出教育工作者,Apple专业开发人员;Anne Dalton拥有沟通学学士学位和组织领导学硕士学位,她擅长与青少年沟通,帮助青少年发出他们的声音,树立信心,她曾帮助上千名学生成为自信的交流者。

The ISLP started from Chengdu center, Dr. Darren Price and Ms. Anne Dalton were appointed to teach in classroom on behalf of the faculty member of BCSL. Dr. Darren Price has more than 14 years experience in teaching and has played several important roles in the IBO Pacific Regional Seminar. He gave leadership speeches at several conferences, and also he was the Apple developer. Anne Dalton got her M.A degree in organizational leadership, she is good at communicating with teenagers, helping them speak out and building their confidence. She has helped thousands of students become confident communicators.

导师Dr. Darren Price以五大要素为基础,向同学们详细分析了一个具有领导力的人在团队工作中扮演的角色。

导师Anne Dalton向大家讲解一场好的演讲需要具备的要素,主要强调了演讲者与听众间的互动,以实现领导者与组员之间最高效的信息分享。


In 5 days of ISLP, the students learned solid leadership theory and important life skills such as presentation skills, teamwork and leadership abilities. They also learned how to look at themselves and others with a broader perspective.

武汉校区——特色9+5 助力扎实领导力学习



The 14 days of student leadership training were divided into 9 days preparation courses and 5 days advanced courses (ISLP). The preparation courses were aiming to help students lay a solid foundation of leadership skills, then students could be more adaptable in ISLP study.


苏州校区——理论+案例 用魅力征服领导力课堂




How to explain the complicated concepts of leadership to the students? Professor Andrew who taught in Suzhou is an expert in interactive teaching methods. He initiated a series of conversations and questions in the class, and then used classic cases to show the series of leadership knowledge, and finally students were encouraged to draw their own conclusions.










The knowledge, strength, and friendship gained from ISLP will benefit all Cogdel students. Because of these wonderful students and excellent tutors, the ISLP achieved a successful startup, and we believe it will benefit more Chinese students in the future. Let’s look forward to it!

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