
发布时间:2018-08-29 浏览次数:2811

On the evening of August 7, Cogdel Alumni Association Plenary Meeting (Chengdu Branch) 2018 was officially held. The meeting had distinguished guests including Mr. Wang Shu (President, Cogdel), Ms. Yang Yue and Ms. Zhao Rong (Senior Management of Chengdu Kaibo School), Mr. Shen Jian and Mr. Huang Hai (Teachers of Secretariat, Cogdel Alumni Association)and alumni representatives from the Cogdel Alumni Association Board (CAAB)
首先,卢佳熹会长在会上向大家通报了经理事会讨论通过的吸纳理事会成员贾东进入校友会管理团队(秘书处)的决议。随后,贾东向大家介绍了目前校友会运营管理的想法,并使用Platform 1作为校友会对外宣传时的品牌形象。同时,他还表示,未来校友会的服务要点,不仅要包括已归国校友群体,更应该把服务提供给在读学生,让校友会的服务价值最大化体现出来。
Mr. Jia Dong was approved to be a member of CAAB in the meeting, he shared his ideas on operation and management of Alumni Association and he also demonstrated the new brand image of Cogdel Alumni Association. What’s more, he emphasized that Cogdel Alumni Association should provide services to both alumni and current students in the future.
Mr. Wang Shu expressed his gratitude to the members of the CAAB for their hard work. He also pointed out that the Cogdel Alumni Association should play a role in gathering resources, promoting cooperation, and serving alumni. On the other hand, Cogdel Alumni Association should not only be thought as a service platform for alumni, but also for the current students in Cogdel centers. For the above reasons, the Alumni Association will take the responsibility of career planning and orientation, internship program, ability improvement and academic support, etc. Mr. Wang Shu also announced Cogdel will donate 100,000 yuan as operating funds to the Alumni Association each year for supporting its daily work and business development needs.


在会议的尾声,秘书处黄海老师还向大家介绍了校友会微信服务平台的开发、注册和使用情况,以及未来平台服务功能完善和升级的思路,得到大家一致认可。 令人惊喜地是,校友康乃馨为来宾讲解了红酒品鉴的知识,并带领大家品鉴了由其精心准备的四款不同类型的红酒。
At the end of the meeting, Mr. Huang Hai also introduced the WeChat service platform of Cogdel Alumni Association as well as the ideas of improving and upgrading the service function of the platform in the future, which have been recognized by all attendees. It is also, surprisingly, Ms. Kang Naixin (Cogdel alumni) held a free wine tasting party with four different types of red wine.


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