
发布时间:2019-04-11 浏览次数:2331

近日,西澳大利亚教育部标准课程委员会(SCSA)国际部负责人Mr. Roshan Perera访问康德成都校区,与康德教育集团副总裁、成都七中国际部校长杨越及国际部相关负责人就国际教育及西澳大利亚高中标准课程WACE、国际教育、国际课程、人才培养等话题进行了亲切会谈。



会后,杨越校长带领Mr. Perera一行参观了美丽的成都七中校园。看到学生荣誉墙上,哈佛,哥伦比亚,加州伯克利,牛津,帝国理工,麦吉尔,墨尔本等世界顶尖名校都有校友们的足迹,Mr. Perera对康德成都校区优异的教学成果表示称赞。作为全国排名第八,国内首家公立学校国际部,荣誉墙展示的只是康德成都校区3000余名优秀学子的一个缩影。

临走之际,杨越校长代表康德成都校区向Mr. Perera赠送了办学二十周年定制吉祥物“鹰小七”,期待双方在不久的将来能开展深度教育合作,为康德教育在澳大利亚国际课程、教师培训等方面注入新的活力。

Recently, Mr. Roshan Perera, the manager of School Curriculum and Standards Authority of Education in Western Australia, visited Chengdu Kaibo Center in Chengdu No.7 High School and met with Vice President Esther Yang. Both side exchanged in-depth views on international education, international curriculum, talent cultivation and Western Australia Certificate of Education.

Firstly, President Esther Yang introduced the development history and achievements of Chengdu Kaibo Campus. As the largest and leading middle school international department in the southwest, Chengdu No.7 High School International Department has 20 years of international education experience and a set of diverse curriculum systems. The school is committed to cultivate students into excellent talents with international visions and abilities to participate in international competition. Then Mr. Roshan Perera introduced the Western Australia Certificate of Education (WACE) in terms of curriculum, assessment criteria, teacher training, and database management. Finally, on behalf of Chengdu Kaibo Campus, President Yang presented Mr. Roshan Perera with a mascot for the 20th anniversary of school. It is expected that the two sides will develop fruitful education cooperation in the near future.

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