
发布时间:2019-10-14 浏览次数:4324


On the afternoon of October 7th, local time in London, Cogdel Education Cranleigh School Delegation arrived in London from Abu Dhabi and began a three-day visit to Cranleigh School in the UK. The school members headed by Cranleigh principal, Martin, extended a warm welcome to the delegation.

DAY 1  从人身安全到职业规划,提供最完善的成长伴随服务

From personal safety to career planning, providing the most complete growth companion service

在副校长Andrea Saxel和小学部校长Neil的带领下,代表团一行先后参观了克雷格中学部、小学部。广袤的校园,如何保障学习生活安全,Andrea在安保措施的专题讲座做出了解答:制定相应的儿童保护政策,提供学生咨询服务,严格的教职员工招聘流程,专业的安保团队及定时的记录、汇报与培训。


With the companion of Vice President Andrea Saxel and Primary School Principal Neil, the delegation visited the Cranleigh School and the Primary School to observe how to ensure the safety of study and life in the vast campus. After the visit, music subject leader Richard and student career development head Amanda introduced the special music education and perfect career planning system of Cranleigh.

DAY 2  从课堂到课外,总有你的兴趣所在

From the classroom to the outside, there is always your interest.






The next day's itinerary focused on the art classes such as music and drama, as well as sports such as hockey and rugby. The delegation fully felt the various and passionate life inside and outside the classroom of Cranleigh students.

DAY 3  拥抱新的“家庭”——学会爱与被爱的寄宿制

Embrace the new "family" - learn to love and be loved in house system


随后,考察团分别就Cranleigh Thinking和PEHE(健康教育)进行了深入的学习。学校副校长David也就A-LEVEL课程开设做了深入介绍。

The  house system is divided into 8 dormitory units. Each building has different positions to take care of students' daily life, academics, and entertainment.


At the end of the visit, Ms. Yang Yue, Vice President of Cogdel Education, presented gifts to Cranleigh School. In the evening, Cranleigh School arranged a grand farewell concert to the delegation at the chapel.


The three-day visit has achieved several positive results, from school security management to boarding management, from academic curriculum to extracurricular activities, from school IT strategy to school building, all of which will bring valuable experience to the construction of Cranleigh School in China .

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